Anti-imperialists issue a joint statement for international working women’s day

We publish a joint statement found in Instagram (@antiimperialistinenkollektiivi).

Anti-imperialists of the world, unite!



In capitalism, the family is based in the underlying household slavery of women, and as if to mock the much praised ”increasing of equality” the condition of women is deteriorating as imperialism becomes more rotten day by day.

In this decade, we have experienced an inflation in Finland which has cut the purchasing power of the workers more than the depression in the 90s. This and the cuts made by the government have together taken hundreds of euros from the pockets of the poor. The giant crisis of the imperialist economy is unloading more and more on the backs of the masses. The people are being forced to pay the weapon race and the international rivalry of the great powers and big companies. The treacherous yellow unions have once again accepted the impairments this spring, enjoying themselves in their ivory towers.

The situation is especially tough for women, who according to the statistics, only earn 70 % of the yearly salaries of men. Women, who carry the responsibility of the household tasks and buying food – food, price of which has risen over 20 % in only a few years. Women, who carry the burden of caring for the children and the elderly, in addition to their heavy and badly paid wage labor, while the public services worsen. Women, of whom a third does not dare to end a relationship for economic reasons. Women, of whom a third have faced physical or sexual violence by a partner.

At the same time, as the condition of women is deteriorating and the underlying household slavery becomes more visible, anti-women ideology is spreading like wildfire. They try to uphold the subordinate condition of women with different ideologies which openly see women as men’s property and servants. At the same time, an ideology is forced upon younger and younger girls in the name of “women’s liberation”, sexualizing and objectifying them, undermining their intelligence and reducing them to decoration and objects of sexual want.

Municipal and regional elections this spring will be used to legitimize cuts on social and health services, kindergartens and schools. They hit the people and especially people’s women and mothers. Some parties try to fish votes by claiming they defend the poor, but in reality they are committed to ”alliance” models in city councils, and the cuts on regional level are anyway decided in the Ministry of Finance. Other parties in turn try to agitate voting with populist slogans, which are as far away from reality as the former ones. Electoral farce does not serve women’s emancipation.

Socialist revolution is the precondition for the true emancipation of women. In socialism, the development of social production will end the numbing household work which falls on women by making it a social task. In this way and by struggling against all patriarchal structures and attitudes women will liberate themselves as part of the liberation of the working class.

The strongest ally to women and the workers is the liberation struggle of the oppressed nations which is pounding and crushing the walls of imperialism every day. The resistance of the people of Palestine has once again raised exemplary women, who unyieldingly resist imperialism and Zionism. Women are also in the front lines of struggle in the People’s Wars led by Communist Parties in Peru, Turkey, India and the Philippines, fighting weapon in hand for their emancipation.

The worsening of the economic situation, the deterioration of the condition of women and the spread of ideology in disdain of women make the fury of women boil. Unleash it against imperialism and patriarchy! Let it feed the revolutionary movement!

More pay! End to the deterioration of the condition of women!

Down with the yellow unions! Forward to revolutionary struggle!

Wave by wave, blow by blow – down with imperialism and patriarchy!

To the streets on the 8th of March!

February 2025


Anti-imperialists – Helsinki

Anti-imperialist Collective (Tampere)

Anti-imperialists of Lumo Highschool