Video link fixed 10.12.
Communist and anti-imperialist forces resisted the police’s attempt to prevent the HIN-demonstration from gathering at Töölöntori, calling the masses into the struggle with the slogan ”Dare to struggle, dare to win!” and carrying a banner which called for anti-imperialist struggle. After the police had for the first time ridden their horses over the demonstrators, they were denounced with the slogan ”Down with the Finnish police, down with all the butchers!”.

In the front line of the struggle proletarian internationalism was raised high and the flags of the International Communist League, the League of Poor Peasants and People’s Women’s Movement of Brazil were seen. Also the flag of the Anti-imperialist League and Palestinian flags were present in the demonstration.

The police was present heavily armed and received support from the Border Guard.

The police rode into the demonstrators multiple times with horses to crush the resistance of the demonstration and to cause panic, even though the ombudsman has said that the police horse is a vehicle and not a means of using force. The police once again rode over demonstrators. HIN has published a video on their Instagram where a demonstrator is seen falling to the ground in front of the horse.

Police also tried to prevent journalists from taking pictures of the brutal arrests it carried out.

The repression however did not manage to crush the combative spirit of the demonstration, and the bus with the detainees was received with cheers greeting their acts of resistance.

The police now claims in the media that it is a victim that was hit and kicked. In reality the police had from the beginning prepared to use violence against the demonstrators and it used illegal means or means on the grey area of law. It exposed its true face, protecting the right of the fascists to assemble, and repressing violently a much bigger antifascist demonstration. The demonstrators simply rebelled against this injustice and defended the demonstration against the brutal attack of the police. However, despite everything the police did not not manage to dispand the demonstration which stayed determined to the end.